Alps & Pyrenees (2022)

The Alps are amazing… but the Pyrenees are every bit as good, in different ways.

Bordering France and Spain, the Pyrenees provide a different mix of roads and scenery with architecture and geology to rival the best Alpine passes. Not to be missed.

And here’s a video from our good friend Joe Achilles to give you an idea of what the tour is like:

For 2022 we’ve updated our Alps & Pyrenees tour (again!).


Saturday – Join us for an early breakfast whilst we talk you through the events of the forthcoming week. From here it’s just a 20 minute drive to the Eurotunnel and then we’re off into the adventure of the finest roads in the Alps. A quick dash across France in convoy with your tour buddies, chatting on the walkie talkies and covering ground with ease thanks to the wonderful French Autoroute network.

Sunday – Moving on from our hotel near Dijon, we continue south skirting around Geneva and into the mountains to the west of Mont Blanc, before heading up to the top of the Petit St Bernard before turning around and coming back down to our ski lodge hotel in Bourg St Maurice.


Monday – Today, we start the day by heading onto some of our favourite French alpine roads; the Col de L’Iseran (highest pass in Europe) and then the Col du Galibier. We’ll end the day at a chateau nestled in the mountains, ready for another cracking day tomorrow.

Tuesday – We’ll dive straight in with the Col de la Bonette – including the Cime de la Bonette, which is the highest paved through road in Europe – and then hit the Gorge de Daluis, often referred to as the “Red Rock Road” by a variety of semi-celebrities. After lunch, we head cross country to Carpentras (via the most spectacular gorge) to prepare for tomorrow’s surprise…

Wednesday – Before breakfast this morning we are going to the top of the formidable Mont Ventoux, from where we can watch the sunrise. After breakfast (back at the hotel) we’ll be crossing vast swathes of French countryside to see the wonderful Millau Bridge (from the valley below). Finally, we descend on the ancient city of Carcassonne.


Thursday – We leave Carcassonne today to head south, straight for the Spanish border. Well, not quite straight, because we don’t like straights that much. We like corners…


Friday – Whilst the highlight of today is likely to be the Col D’Aubisque, there are so many amazing roads and views today that only photo stops will help you remember (unless you bring a GoPro along!). This is the culmination of the week, this is the purpose of this tour, to show you what is possible when we go a little further south…


Saturday – We’ll have some fun on the deserted roads of northern Spain today on the way to the ferry. For those who haven’t done our Spanish Safari, this will be a great taster…

Sunday – rest and relaxation aboard the ship home to Portsmouth. Plenty of time to discuss the week’s events with your fellow tourers and get over the hangover from last night’s party, before the drive home and a night in your own bed.

OPTION; if you’d rather not get the boat home, but instead fancy joining us for a second week in Spain then we can discount you the cost of the ferry home from this tour and the ferry out for Spain, though we will have to charge for the extra night on dry land between the two tours (£700 discount per car).

OPTION; if you’d rather not get the boat home, but instead fancy driving home we can discount you for the cost of the ferry back (£400 discount per car).

What’s included?
Hotel accommodation for 7 nights, with dinner and breakfast included (dinner not included in Carcassonne)
Outbound Eurotunnel crossing, return ferry crossing from Spain to UK, with upgraded (outside window) cabin
Loan of pre-loaded satellite navigation units and powerful walkie talkies
A souvenir route book, polo shirt, stickers, key ring and pen
Services of our two tour managers in two tour cars

What’s not included?
Lunches, drinks, fuel, tolls, etc.

How much?
£2299 per person, based on 2 people sharing a twin or double room and 1 car
+£350 solo driver supplement
+£350 single room supplement

Alps & Pyrenees – Saturday 25th June to Sunday 3rd July 2022

Book now by emailing us at

Booking terms apply – full details here.